
Elderberry and Olive Leaf Prevent Viral Attack

The English Elderberry or    L. Sambucus nigra is a native flowering plant of North America and Europe. It is loved by birds and bees for it's highly nutritious and delicious flowers and fruit. It's purple color is due to its high content of flavonoids which is what will save us all from certain death! I'm sure you've heard of the seasonal warnings to get your flu shot or you're going to die. Not to mention the yearly man-made viruses that are a result of someone not washing their hands before they left the gene-splicing virus making factory. Well currently we've got a serious panic with the new Coronovirus from China. The first case on America soil showed up today in Washington State. Well I'm here to tell you to please not panic and take your elderberry syrup. These articles I've included from PubMed show that elderberry has proven time and again to prevent viral invasion of healthy human cells.  The excerpt below has a number in parenthesis. This...

Deer medicine

Deer Medicine Deer Medicine works to heal those who are wounded with grace and gentleness. They are not pushy when working with other people. They watch, listen, and guide in a manner that is filled with inner wisdom and light. When working with a deer person you can use flower essences and heart energy because they are high vibration.
Inextricably Linked Tunkashila- Great Spirit I call upon your wisdom to guide me and all those who are lost. I ask that you always be a presence and force for good in my life and all those I touch. We honor you Creator and give thanks always and in all ways for your love. For many years I wandered in the desert. My magic abilities not yet known to me. I stopped to drink water from the springs that were too few and too far between. My feet resting only long enough to stop the throbbing and than continuing to carry me through my self-imposed exile. I heard the drumbeats in the distance and they frightened me. I only knew what they taught me- to fear the unknown. At times during the afternoon when the sun stretched its rays farthest across the sand and rock I would catch glimpses of a figure bending across the orange and gold stripes of the rock face. His long hair rolling down his back and shoulders. I could hear him calling to me and feel his breath on my face as the wind blew him cl...